Manara - Qatar Research Repository

Stakeholders Perception of the Security Legacy of 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar

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submitted on 2024-10-29, 05:13 and posted on 2024-10-31, 07:37 authored by Abdulla Ali Al-Marri
In recent years the study of the legacy of sport mega-events from a management perspective has become more important, especially in terms of sustainable long-term benefits and return-on-investment or objectives for host destinations. The hosting of the FIFA World Cup in Qatar in 2022 will be a first for the Middle East and presents the country with an opportunity to showcase itself as a stable Arab state in a region that is often associated with conflict and terrorism. The World Cup also provides a valuable platform for earning international approval of the governmental policies and legislation meant to enhance the country’s security resilience beyond the mega-event. Thus, utilizing Preuss’ (2019) event legacy framework this study examined the security legacy of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar from a governance and policy perspective. Utilizing a qualitative research approach, key informant interviews were conducted with a range of safety and security officials from a range of different organizations involved in organizing the 2022 FIFA World Cup. The study’s findings illustrate that stakeholders consider the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar will have a significant positive safety and security legacy. Also, the hosting of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar will have a positive impact on the institutions participating in the event’s organization from a safety and security perspective which is also of significance for future international sport event hosting.



  • English

Publication Year

  • 2022

License statement

© The author. The author has granted HBKU and Qatar Foundation a non-exclusive, worldwide, perpetual, irrevocable, royalty-free license to reproduce, display and distribute the manuscript in whole or in part in any form to be posted in digital or print format and made available to the public at no charge. Unless otherwise specified in the copyright statement or the metadata, all rights are reserved by the copyright holder. For permission to reuse content, please contact the author.

Institution affiliated with

  • Hamad Bin Khalifa University
  • College of Science and Engineering - HBKU

Geographic coverage


Degree Date

  • 2022

Degree Type

  • Master's


Kamilla Swart-Arries

Committee Members

Richard Southall ; Stephen Shapiro


College of Science and Engineering

Usage metrics

    College of Science and Engineering - HBKU



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