Manara - Qatar Research Repository

Sustainable Transportation

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submitted on 2025-01-29, 06:58 and posted on 2025-02-04, 16:19 authored by Dr. Soud K. Al-Thani, Sheikha Amna Al Thani, Francis Antony Jacob, Mohamed A. Mohamed, Haajerah Khan, Leen Al-Rabbat, Shikha Maunik Patel, Dr. Gonzalo Castro de la Mata, Sebastien P. Turbot, Dr. Alexandre Amato, Nihal. Mohamed Al-Saleh, Dr. Mona Matar Al-Kuwari

Exploring the imperative issue of Sustainable Transportation, this analysis focuses on key areas discussed during the third annual Qatar National Dialogue for Climate Change (QNDCC) panel session titled “Sustainable Transportation - Public Transport Infrastructure, Alternative Fuels, EVs & Logistics.” The comprehensive scope of the study includes detailed insights, supplementary research, and targeted recommendations aimed at fortifying Qatar’s commitment to actualizing its national sustainability objectives, particularly In the realm of sustainable transportation. The findings underscore the urgent need for a paradigm shift in global transportation systems that significantly contribute to climate change through carbon emissions and fuel consumption. The paper discusses the most prominent international agreements adopted as well as the current popular solutions trending worldwide in the transition to sustainable transportation. Advocating for sustainable transportation modes, the discourse highlights low, zero-emission, and energy-efficient modes as critical components of mitigating climate change.

Other Information

Published in: Earthna publications reports
See report on publisher's website:

Project Identifier (PI): ETCC-2024-004



  • English


Earthna in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MECC)

Publication Year

  • 2023

License statement

This Item is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Institution affiliated with

  • Earthna
  • Qatar Foundation
  • Ministry of Environment and Climate Change
  • Qatar University
  • College of Engineering - QU
  • Strategy Hub

Geographic coverage
