Manara - Qatar Research Repository

Manara - Qatar Research Repository: Qatar's open access repository infrastructure solution

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submitted on 2024-09-09, 05:26 and posted on 2024-09-09, 05:27 authored by Alwaleed AlkhajaAlwaleed Alkhaja, Marcin WerlaMarcin Werla, Arif ShaonArif Shaon

Manara - Qatar Research Repository, launched by the Qatar National Library (QNL), allows researchers to deposit their research outputs, including traditional academic works and non-traditional academic outputs such as datasets, conference posters, and presentations. The service is integral to the QNL's mission of preserving the nation's heritage and fostering a reliable information ecosystem. Manara aims to provide a centralized platform that captures and preserves all research output created in Qatar. Moreover, open licensing is an integral part of the platform. QNL aims to provide long-term open access to research outputs and promote them online, thereby supporting researchers' impact and international visibility of Qatar's research.

Manara provides an infrastructure solution to research institutions in Qatar that need research repository solutions with digital preservation support. Manara is designed to operate within a multi-institutional framework through partnerships with other institutions in Qatar. The Library assumes responsibility for its operation, while any research-focused institution in Qatar can use it as its institutional repository. Through this collaboration, each participating institution receives a tailored sub-portal within the repository, equipped with essential training and content management privileges supplemented by digital preservation assistance from QNL. This dedicated sub-portal serves as an institutional repository, streamlining self-archiving processes and facilitating the green Open Access route. In 2024, QNL signed agreements with Hamad bin Khalifa University and the University of Doha Science and Technology for Manara to be used as their research repository.

The presentation will give an overview of Manara's development since its launch in November 2022. It will also cover how QNL sets up institutional repositories in Qatar, including planned support for the institutions. Moreover, QNL's roadmap for supporting the adoption of self-archiving and pre-print publications, which could lead to higher open access adoption in Qatar will be presented.

Additional Information
This presentation was part of the Forum on Future of World Academic Libraries (WAL 2024) in Beijing, China (June 2024)



  • English

Publication Year

  • 2024

Institution affiliated with

  • Qatar National Library

Usage metrics

    Qatar National Library



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