Manara - Qatar Research Repository

Qatar National Library Launches Manara, a New Research Repository for Qatar

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submitted on 2023-09-03, 11:56 and posted on 2023-09-04, 09:21 authored by Alwaleed AlkhajaAlwaleed Alkhaja, Marcin WerlaMarcin Werla, Arif ShaonArif Shaon

Qatar National Library (QNL) has launched Manara - a new research repository for Qatar-based researchers to deposit their research from traditional academic outputs such as journal contributions and book chapters to non-traditional outputs such as datasets and conference posters. The new service is managed by QNL. Manara aligns with the Library's mission to capture the nation's heritage and create a trusted information environment. QNL hopes that Manara will capture and preserve all research output created in Qatar, including research that would not previously have a "home" online.

The poster will demonstrate how open licensing in Manara supports QNL's efforts to develop and advocate for open access research in Qatar and supports the global flow of information and unrestricted access to information – both critical in achieving UN SDG goals. Moreover, the poster gives an overview of the repository's features, highlights developments so far, and gives an overview of expected collaborations such as supporting research data archiving, linking the repository with QNL's open access fund, and plans for community outreach to allow individual researchers to preserve and share their research with global audiences.

Poster presented at the IFLA World Library and Information Congress. 21 - 25 August 2023. Rotterdam, The Netherlands



  • English

Publication Year

  • 2023

Institution affiliated with

  • Qatar National Library