Manara - Qatar Research Repository

Revisting definition of bronchopulmonwry dysplaisa

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submitted on 2023-09-26, 09:32 and posted on 2023-10-12, 09:09 authored by Manar Saleh, Sufwan AlOmar, Amal Sabouni, Sulafa Khalil, Samir Gupta, Hafsa elSharif

Primary objective

To determine which definition of BPD has better predictability for severe respiratory morbidity at 20-50 month corrected age.

Study design

Prospective cohort study, aiming to evaluate the ability of the current definitions of BPD to predict serious respiratory morbidity at 20-50 month corrected age.


sample included all babies with gestational age < 31 weeks who were diagnosed with BPD , born from Jan 2018 till May 2021. sample size is 348 babies . Babies with major significant congenital anomalies, death before 28 days of life were excluded . Data collection done in two phases , first one for demographic data was extracted from Vermont database , Prospective data was collected using telephone interviews with caregivers. Data arranged in excel sheet , analyzed using SPSS program . We used Chi square for categorical data and T –Test for numerical data .


data included total of 348 babies . Total followup rate is 81.6 % .Yearly followup rate was 62 % , 88% , 85 % and 94 % for babies born in 2018, 2019, 2020, Jan-May 2021 respectively . 53.2 % of our population are males .80% of population gestational age ranged between 24-28 weeks. Chorioamnionitis was present in 9.5 % and 85% received antenatal steroids. Around 70% of babies required intubation during resuscitation . Almost 11 % had LOS . 4.9 % of our babies were discharged on oxygen. Total number of deaths were 19 . 3 of them died after transfer to Sidra hospital and 2 died as a result of cardiac arrest post discharge . BPD cases were divided into 2 groups of mild and Moderate/severe . Moderate / severe BPD cases were 34.8 % ( 122) , 18.5 % (65 ) and 29.3% (103) according to 2001, 2016 and 2019 respectively . Regarding comparison between different definitions, 2001 definition was significant for postnatal steroids use , discharge on home o2 , and > 3 hospital admissions . 2016 definition was significant for postnatal steroids , home o2 , tracheostomy . 2019 was significant for postnatal steroids , home o2 , > 3 hospital admissions.

In conclusion

all three definitions are comparable , however we encourage our institution to agree on one definition . We emphasize on the importance of evidence based medicine in research.



  • English

Publication Year

  • 2023

License statement

This Item is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Institution affiliated with

  • Hamad Medical Corporation
  • Women's Wellness and Research Center - HMC
  • Sidra Medicine

Usage metrics

    Hamad Medical Corporation



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