Manara - Qatar Research Repository
10.1016_j.rineng.2023.100889.pdf (8.64 MB)

Smart sustainable greenhouses utilizing microcontroller and IOT in the GCC countries; energy requirements & economical analyses study for a concept model in the state of Qatar

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journal contribution
submitted on 2023-12-11, 08:07 and posted on 2023-12-13, 12:28 authored by Salem Al-Naemi, Awni Al-Otoom

A smart sustainable greenhouse concept model (SSGHCM) was built to demonstrate the effectiveness and the profitability of using renewable energy and smart control systems in closed agriculture environment. SSGHCM is powered by solar photovoltaic energy and utilizes waste water management. Microcontrollers and multiple sensing arrangement were installed to completely control the irrigation, temperature and humidity of the greenhouse autonomously. Two types of control systems were used; microcontrollers connected to LabVIEW and a wireless control system based IOT. It was found that the installed PV capacity with storage can support the required energy. IOT combined with microcontrollers, as well as using the renewable energy in greenhouses in the GCC countries can make vegetable growth a profitable investment. Water recycling and management system is contributing to reduction of water need to around 40% of that needed for traditional greenhouses. Condensate from the AC contributes to around 65% of the needed water for irrigation by collecting the condensate from these systems. All of these factors will further improve the profitability of smart sustainable greenhouses and contribute largely to food security in the GCC countries. Scaled to commercial greenhouses, the economic analysis showed an attractive investment with 340% ROI and 5 years of payout period.

Other Information

Published in: Results in Engineering
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  • English



Publication Year

  • 2023

License statement

This Item is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Institution affiliated with

  • University of Doha for Science and Technology
  • College of Engineering and Technology - UDST
  • College of Computing and Information Technology - UDST

Geographic coverage
