Manara - Qatar Research Repository

Are Professional Drivers more Aggressive than General Drivers? A Case Study from Doha, Qatar

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journal contribution
submitted on 2024-07-09, 05:35 and posted on 2024-07-09, 05:35 authored by Charitha Dias, Mohamed Kharbeche, Deepti Muley, Abdurahman Kashem, Mohammed Abul Fahed, Sam Verniel Iral, Nooreldeen Abdelfattah

Previous studies have revealed that aggressive and reckless driving can largely affect the occurrence and severity of road crashes. There could be intentional aggressive and unsafe acts, which could significantly affect the safety of all road users. The size of the vehicle and the type of the driver might affect such intentional aggressive and unsafe acts. This study evaluates the aggressive driving behaviors committed by drivers based on the vehicle size and driver type using the data collected from video recordings collected at two intersections in Doha, Qatar. This observational study acquired 743 vehicle observations during the green, yellow and red phases. Results revealed that professional, e.g., heavy vehicle, taxi, bus, and truck, drivers, tend to behave more aggressively compared to general, i.e., sedan and SUV, drivers. Further, the tendency of committing a violation increases with the vehicle size. These findings suggest that aggressive driving behaviors, which can pose a significant safety risk, require interventions such as increased police enforcement, traffic safety campaigns, and improved pavement markings. Moreover, the outcome of this research will be useful for the authorities to understand the relationship between the behavior of professional and heavy vehicle drivers and traffic safety. In addition, policymakers may use such information to establish new fines or update existing schemes.

Other Information

Published in: Procedia Computer Science
See article on publisher's website:


Qatar National Research Fund (UREP26-011-5-004), Exploring the Influence of Power Paradox on Driving Behavior and Traffic Safety.

Qatar National Research Fund (NPRP8-365-2-150), Investigating Pedestrian Crossing Behavior to Improve Pedestrian Accident Rates and Severities in the State of Qatar.



  • English



Publication Year

  • 2022

License statement

This Item is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.

Institution affiliated with

  • Qatar University
  • College of Engineering - QU
  • Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center - CENG

Geographic coverage
