Approximation of intra-particle reaction/diffusion effects of immobilized enzyme system following reverse Michaelis–Menten (rMM) mechanism: third degree polynomial and Akbari–Ganji methods
Two approximate analytical expressions based on third degree polynomial and Akbari–Ganji’s method (AGM) were derived for the reaction/difusion controlled kinetics of an immobilized enzyme (IE) systems. The approximation methods predict substrate concentration profle and efectiveness factor (ղ) in a porous spherical particle. The reaction is assumed to follow reverse Michaelis–Menten (rMM) kinetics. The approximate methods predictions were comparable to that of numerical solution (using the Matlab fnite diference function, bvp4c) at wide range of Ø2 and yo especially at low Ø2 and high yo (polynomial equation) and low Ø2 and low yo (AGM equation). Although the approximate solution was derived for rMM kinetics, the results can be used to describe other important enzymatic reaction kinetics such as simple Michaelis–Menten (MM) kinetics and MM with competitive product inhibition kinetics. A necessary design equation should be satisfed when using polynomial or AGM approximation for diferent enzyme kinetic equations. In this work, two examples of enzymatic reactions of industrial interest were studied, namely glucose-fructose isomerization follows rMM kinetics and hydrolysis of lactose follows Michaelis–Menten (MM) equation with competitive product (galactose) inhibition. Predictions of the developed third degree polynomial and AGM approximation equations agree with that of numerical solution, the percentage relative error for the efectiveness factor was less than 11 in comparison with the numerical solution. Good agreement between approximate and numerical estimations demonstrates the validity of these approximation methods.
Other Information
Published in: Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis
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Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library.
- English
Springer NaturePublication Year
- 2023
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- Qatar University
- College of Engineering - QU