Manara - Qatar Research Repository
10.1080_08961530.2022.2045663.pdf (1.88 MB)

A Cross-National Study Investigating the Role of Country of Origin and Word of Mouth in Expatriates’ Decision Process When Seeking a Healthcare Provider

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journal contribution
submitted on 2023-12-20, 08:38 and posted on 2024-01-10, 07:11 authored by Valeria L. M. A. Freundt, Adriana Bruscato Bortoluzzo

In a globalized world, the expatriate community continues to expand. Selecting trustworthy healthcare providers is fundamental for their adaptation to a new country. Through interviews and a survey, this paper adds to the literature by theoretically discussing and empirically analyzing the decision process of a cross-cultural sample of expatriates in Dubai. It focuses on evaluating the role of two cues: Country of Origin (COO) and Word of Mouth (WOM). The findings show personal WOM is the most influential factor. The paper also explores the effect of expatriates’ origin (developed vs. emerging countries) and their levels of fluency in English.

Other Information

Published in: Journal of International Consumer Marketing
See article on publisher's website:

Disclaimer: The University of Doha for Science and Technology replaced the now-former College of the North Atlantic-Qatar after an Amiri decision in 2022. UDST has become and first national applied University in Qatar; it is also second national University in the country.


Open Access funding provided by the Qatar National Library.



  • English



Publication Year

  • 2022

License statement

This Item is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

Institution affiliated with

  • University of Doha for Science and Technology
  • College of Business - UDST
  • College of the North Atlantic - Qatar (2002-2022)
  • School of Business and Information Technology - CNA-Q (2002-2022)

Geographic coverage

United Arab Emirates - Dubai